What Happens When You Upgrade to Sustainable Lighting?

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When you decide to retrofit your building with sustainable lighting, you may decide to go with LED lighting. The sustainable lighting retrofit process involves upgrading your building’s existing lighting fixtures with LED technology to improve energy efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance lighting quality.

What Happens When You Upgrade to Sustainable Lighting?

When we retrofit buildings with sustainable lighting, here is the general process we follow:

  • Assessment and planning — We will start by conducting a thorough assessment of your building’s current lighting system. We will identify the types of fixtures currently in use, the technology used, the type of lighting, and the lighting needs of your particular space. We will then determine the main goals of your sustainable lighting retrofit and create a lighting plan that outlines the specifications of your retrofit.
  • Cost analysis — Using the information gathered in the previous step, we will calculate the cost of the LED retrofit. We will then compare these upfront costs with your expected energy savings, maintenance savings, and any potential incentives or rebates you can claim.
  • Installation — We will schedule your LED retrofit installation. As we start the installation process, we will modify your building’s existing lighting fixtures to accommodate new LED lights. Depending on your building, this may involve rewiring, ballast removal, and making other adjustments.
  • Testing and adjustment — At the conclusion of installation, we will conduct a thorough test to ensure your LED lighting system functions correctly and meets all specified requirements and lighting levels. We will also adjust lighting controls or fixtures as needed to ensure everything is as expected.