A Closer Look at Our Turnkey Electrical & Lighting Services [infographic]

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We offer several turnkey electrical and lighting solutions here at Intelligent Energy Light and Power. If you are new to working with us, here is a closer look at the services we offer:

A Closer Look at Our Turnkey Electrical & Lighting Services

  1. LED lighting—Has your building or facility upgraded to LED lighting yet? We can retrofit your building with high-efficiency LED lighting that can help you save on both maintenance and operating costs.
  2. HVAC—Did you know that HVAC usage accounts for a building’s biggest expense? Upgrading or replacing an old or inefficient HVAC system can translate to big savings on your monthly expenses. Our goal is to help you save money, increase your indoor air quality, improve temperature control, and enhance the comfort of your building’s occupants with the HVAC solutions we offer.
  3. Energy auditing—We can audit your building and identify areas for energy-efficiency improvement. We will carefully look for places where we can help you minimize your building’s energy consumption and maximize your savings.
  4. EV charging stations—We can install state-of-the-art EV charging stations with precision. With electrical vehicles taking up a larger and larger portion of the market, adding chargers to your site can help you establish your business as a go-to destination.
  5. Power quality improvements—We can introduce you to and implement quality correction and improvement measures for your specific building. These improvements can reduce downtime, optimize energy consumption, and enhance equipment performance.